6 thoughts on “I ♥ the Northern Beaches Sydney

    • toodle piddles.
      postage has been somewhat lacking I do agree.
      the pictures on here are all taken on a trading estate in crawley like you say and the photoshop was taking me ages.

      • but where is thee
        your map is gleaning me little info
        OZ somewhere im guessing – or could be somewhere else on that big globby thing
        like the look and feel o the site
        of course

        • ahar we’ve been rumbled! there’s a reason the route now goes no further than sydney. seduced by the shrimp barbies and brokly pies we were! seriously it was too good a place to let pass by, so we’re trying hard to stay and make a go of things. special hi from us both in manly – hasn’t changed a bit!
          Us two right now in manly

            • the pies are as wholesome as ever after nuff beers. listening to the ashes on ABC grandstand while driving in our camper was the highlight of our trip to WA. but mostly it was due to the fact that for the opposition, well… it was just so… sad. 😉
              abrigarse amigo.

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