2 thoughts on “Lazy day Beihai Park Beijing

  1. Dazza and Gemma its Hing and Meng Juan. Just got onto your site and cudn’t believe where you have been. How much clothes did you pack in your back pack (I’m imaging an ant carrying a big peanut). Anyhow glad see you tried out the worm on the stick in Beijing, but just to let you know thats for tourists with curly hair; the locals usually sneak around the back for a hot dog. Great pictures of you both happy and tanned in Oz. Hear on the grapevine that you may not come back. Wassup? Thought you loved it here. Where are you now and what r your plans for the future. Hope to catch up with you folks on some sandy beach. G’day and take care.

    • G’day guys. The grapevine doesn’t lie I’m afraid. Loved it there, but prefer it here! It does seem amazing, looking back at the pictures, all the beautiful places we visited. Sydney has stood out among all that as being the whole package, and this is after all the lucky country!
      We did travel a bit heavy it’s fair to say! Luckily we met lots of cool people on the way who would store the flip flops and snorkels when we travelled in below zero, and the jumpers and gloves when it was heatwave.
      Our plans? We’re just going to stay here and eat worms on sticks – we’ve developed such a taste for them since beijing! Much nicer than dog in a bap. Come visit us on the beach sometime, you’d both be most welcome!

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